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Sunday, 18 December 2016


(Updated Dec 22 to reflect the Dec-Jan 2016/2017 hollidays)



The Fall/Winter bring a few town events  & holidays with potential impacts for our schedule in Fairfield.

SAT SEPT 24th:

   A morning and afternoon event in the building will either cancel or delay our opening.    

*********UPDATE: We wil meet SAT Sept  24th-***********  ***********Modified Hours: 2:30-6:30p***************

WED OCT.5th:

The Health Dept. has a flu shot clinic scheduled. UPDATE: We will meet for our regular hours OCT 5th.


Finally, a MODEL TRAIN SHOW/SALE has been scheduled for the Gym this weekend. The show is on Sunday morning but requires set-up on Saturday. To accomidate this our weekend session in Fairfield is being moved to Friday evening Oct 21st.


As in past years, we will meet Thanksgiving Week, on both WED & Saturday.

Christmas  & New Years weeks

Play is also planned during Christmas  & New Years weeks this year, though Saturday play on Dec.24 will be changed to Monday night Dec.26th.  Sat.Dec 31st might also be switched to Monday night Jan 2nd - based on player preferences communicated to me by Dec 28th - (and weather forecasts). Final announcement regarding a possible change for Sat.Dec 31st ? Communicate your preferences & then check the Homepage after 6pm on Thur.Dec 30th.

 Again, recheck the homepage these weeks &/or text me your name/town information at (203) 525-6l94.

(RARELY) Very heavy &/or blowing snow or freezing rain expected during, or shortly before or after a scheduled session may cause us to change to our schedule.

  But severe winter weather is less common south of the parkway, and the more typical snow storms don't usually affect our Fairfield schedule even if they may reduce turnout somewhat.

Due to our unique scheduling and status with the Bigelow Senior Center & FF P&R, please consult this website's homepage during holidays or storms as our cancelations, holidays or schedule changes may NOT coorespond with information for other Senior Center or Parks & Recreation Programing listed on their media announcements, websites or Newsletters.

Use your own judgement based on your driving skills and area road conditions, even if we are open.

Last minute weather & road condition judgements may prevent notice on the website, so call the info message before leaving home, or text me an hour or so before a session, especially if you aren't a regular player in my cell contacts who usually gets text updates.


We expect uninterupted Sunday night play in Bethany between early September, and (at least) late November. (Thanksgiving weekend likely closed, but TBD).

Bethany changes are possible, but not likely & would be added to the mainpage and/or texted to regular Bethany players who have texted me their Name & Town at (203) 525-6l94.

Join us in Bethany, on any weekends, especially if you are busy on Saturday or during any week with Fairfield cancelations. (Bethany is 30 min from Fairfield via Parkway exit 59 & rte 63 north to Peck Rd. between Naugatuck/Waterbury & New Haven)

 Christmas & New Years weekends are closed in Bethany as are most Sundays when significant/plowable snow remains or is expected on Sunday PM in Bethany.


Posted by netta_ct at 3:23 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 24 December 2016 10:31 AM EST

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